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About Golfang

About Golfang

Company History

Our founder Po-Chien Lee, with his practical experiences and expertise in the mechanical design, and with all of our staff's diligent efforts, developed the most advanced machine and established the first injection blow machine manufacturing factory-Golfang Machinery Factory (now called Golfang Mfg. & Development Co., LTD) in Taiwan in 1981.

Why Golfang?

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ISB Series

GF/ISB series adopts the world's most advanced "single-stage injection stretch blow" molding technology. One single machine is able to achieve high quality and efficient productivity. Compared with two-stage PET machines, GF/ISB possesses several advantages which include

ISB Series

GF/ISB series adopts the world's most advanced "single-stage injection stretch blow" molding technology. One single machine is able to achieve high quality and efficient productivity. Compared with two-stage PET machines, GF/ISB possesses several advantages which include

ISB Series

GF/ISB series adopts the world's most advanced "single-stage injection stretch blow" molding technology. One single machine is able to achieve high quality and efficient productivity. Compared with two-stage PET machines, GF/ISB possesses several advantages which include

ISB Series

GF/ISB series adopts the world's most advanced "single-stage injection stretch blow" molding technology. One single machine is able to achieve high quality and efficient productivity. Compared with two-stage PET machines, GF/ISB possesses several advantages which include


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